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North Shore Publishing

Limited Time Promo - 7 Hamilton Books

Limited Time Promo - 7 Hamilton Books

Regular price $40.00 CAD
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1960/61 Hamilton Series

Hamilton in 1960 was a city in transition, and as has been the case since 1846, the Hamilton Spectator’s team of reporters and photographers were there to capture the year in stories and in photographs. Some of what you'll read about: the city suddenly mushroomed in size – in acreage and population – thanks to the annexation of huge tracts of land. Efforts were under way to buy the HSR, and the 19th century city hall closed down.

In 1961, news on a regular basis, centred on the need for a zoo in Hamilton, with proposals that it be on the RBG grounds, at Dundurn Castle, at King's Forest and at Van Wagner's Beach.

The city lost out on the Ontario Police College, and Mount Hope Airport was in the news about reports of a flying saucer making trial flights around the airport.

First Here Series - What Happened When in Hamilton

When Hamilton and area was first settled in the latter part of the 18th century, the area was a wooded, unpopulated wilderness. It has been noted in early descriptions that in these very early years there were more snakes than people in the area.

Since nothing was here, everything had to be created fresh. The first settlers in each township built their houses and began to start families and cultivate the land. As their families grew, so did the need for churches and schools and the other amenities of civilized life.

There is always the first person to do any number of things starting with the first person who actually arrives at a new location and decides to stay.

Some of what you'll find in the First Here Series: Hamilton's first doctor, the start of daylight saving time, the city's first birth control clinic and first bookstore.

The Footsteps in Time Series:

Volume 1 Footsteps in Time takes you on a fascinating tour of Hamilton's four oldest neighbourhoods. Through stories, maps and old photographs, you can explore the rich history of the Beasley, Central, Corktown and Durand neighbourhoods with 18 detailed walking tours.

Volume 2 Footsteps in Time takes you on a fascinating tour of old Port Hamilton and North-End that grew up around it with 5 detailed walking tours.


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